Routers from ASUS, D-Link, Huawei, Ubiquiti, UPVEL, ZTE., Linksys, MikroTik, Netgear, and TP-Link are vulnerable to the the VPNFilter Malware, thought to have originated in Russia. At least a million routers infected According to security researchers, significantly more routers have been infected by VPNFilter than first thought. Malaysians are very vulnerable […]
Many will have seen the recent global attack by the WannaCry Ransomware and the fact that it has now been stopped, semi-accidentally, by a UK security researcher alwareTech. This ransomware spread for only a few days, but infected over 900,000 computers in 150 different countries, by using an exploit to […]
A study by Dimensional Research shows that 64% of IT pros are mostly unprepared for mobile security breaches. 20% of businesses have experienced a mobile attack, and 24% don’t know or can’t tell if they have had one. More than 20% believe that a mobile breach could cost their company more than $500,000, […]
With a easy to use User Interface this malware generator enables unskilled wannabe criminals to unleash their own flavour of ransomware is a few clicks. Variations of the WYSIWYE (What You See Is What You Encrypt) malware have been detected by Panda Security in companies across Europe, including Germany, Belgium, […]
A Trojan design to collect banking logins has it’s source code released. The Russian Trojan developer who failed to profit personally from the trojan has released the source code for his Nuclear Bot, sparking concerns it will be used to create new malware for use in future attacks. The developer made […]
Ransomware is set to become the biggest threat for 2017, in this chilling promotion video you can see how easy it is to create your own ransomware and have a simple Rich Text Format (RTF) file deliver the threat. Typically sold for around USD$400 it is an attractive offer for those, […]
Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks increased by 45% at the end of 2016. New statistics from proofpoint a UK security vendor show that BEC attacks have increased and become more sophisticated. BEC, also known as CEO Fraud and Whaling tricks members of staff into transferring money outside of the company by spoofing […]
This may be common knowledge to some, but many people I meet don’t seem to know of the risks when it comes to PDF files. People often know how risky it is to open Word documents and website links from unknown sources, but many don’t know that PDF files can be […]
Chinese phishing hackers are deploying fake mobile base stations to bypass the malware that is normally caught by telcos. The Android malware known as the “Swearing Trojan” because of the bad language found in the code comments. The authors are already under arrest, but the fake base stations are a […]
Security researchers have discovered a malicious word document that spreads malware on either OSX or Windows operating systems. The malware attempts to trick users into enabling macros within Word, once opened a VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) script downloads a further script depending on the operating system, which then can install malware […]